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Speech by the Minister of Ecology and Environment at the Global Host Event of World Environment Day in 2019

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,

Good morning, everyone! First of all, please allow me to extend a warm welcome and sincere thanks to all of you for coming to the world Environment Day 2019.

World environment day global home activities held by the Chinese government attaches great importance to, President xi jinping congratulatory message, han zheng, vice premier of the State Council to attend the activities and delivered a keynote speech, fully embodies the Chinese and the international community to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, hand in hand to deal with the problem of global ecological environment and construction together beautiful home planet of desire and determination to actively.

Over the years, China's Zhejiang province has vigorously promoted the building of an ecological province based on the practical realities of its province. A modern development pattern featuring sound ecology, strong economy and rich people has taken shape. The world Environment Day is being held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. It not only provides an important opportunity for Zhejiang province and Hangzhou city to showcase their achievements in ecological civilization construction, but also provides an important window for the international community to understand the concept and practice of China's ecological civilization construction.

Air pollution is one of the most serious environmental problems facing the world today. This year's World Environment Day, with the theme "Blue Skies, I am the Actor", is of great significance for promoting the active participation of governments, industry, communities and individuals in the fight against air pollution and working together to improve air quality around the world.

As the world's largest developing country, the Chinese government has always attached great importance to the prevention and control of air pollution. Especially since the 18th NATIONAL Congress of the COMMUNIST Party of China (CPC), China has made winning the battle for blue skies the top priority in the battle against pollution, and declared war on pollution with unprecedented determination and strength, so as to effectively solve the "heart and lung problems" of the people. As a result, China's air quality has entered the fast track of improvement.

First, strengthen the top-level design. The Action Plan for The Prevention and Control of Air Pollution was implemented in 2013, and the three-year Action Plan for Winning the Battle for Blue Skies was issued in 2018. The road map, task book and timetable for air pollution control were clearly defined.

Second, we will adjust the industrial structure. We will speed up the phasing out of outdated production capacity, cut overcapacity, upgrade coal-fired power plants and steel enterprises to achieve ultra-low emissions, and clean up polluting enterprises, thus forcing the transformation and upgrading of the industrial structure.

Third, we will optimize the energy mix. We will control total coal consumption, vigorously develop clean energy, build the world's largest clean coal-fired power generation system, phase out all small coal-fired boilers, encourage local governments to control the use of bulk coal, and carry out trials for clean heating in winter in northern China. From 2013 to 2018, China's share of coal consumption in primary energy dropped from 67 percent to 59 percent, more than 230,000 coal-fired boilers producing 10 tons or less per hour were eliminated, and the number of clean heating cities in the northern region increased to 35.

Four it is as a whole "oil road car" management. We published and implemented the Action Plan for Tackling Pollution from Diesel Trucks and the Three-year Action Plan for Promoting Transport Restructuring (2018-2020). Starting from January 1, 2019, all six national standard gasoline and diesel vehicles will be supplied. We will vigorously develop new energy vehicles and eliminate all yellow-label vehicles. Since 2013, we have eliminated more than 20 million yellow-label vehicles and old vehicles.

Fifth, strengthen joint prevention and control. A mechanism for joint prevention and control of air pollution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and its surrounding areas, the Yangtze River Delta, the Fen-Wei Plain and other key regions has been established, and the Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Atmospheric Environment Administration bureau has been set up. Strengthen the linkage of emergency response to effectively deal with heavy pollution weather.

Sixth, we will strictly supervise law enforcement. We will revise the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law and other laws and regulations. To realize the effective connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice. The first round of the Central Ecological and environmental protection inspectors and their "looking back" campaign helped solve more than 140,000 ecological and environmental problems around the people. Since 2017, we have assigned more than 90,000 problems to local governments and urged them to rectify and implement them.

Seventh, we will advocate national action. We will continue to raise public awareness of the environment, practice a green and low-carbon lifestyle, report pollution violations and violations, and make "breathe together and fight together" the code of conduct for the whole society.

In general, the progress and results of China's blue sky defense campaign in recent years continue to show, and the public's sense of blue sky gain and happiness has been significantly enhanced. This has strengthened our confidence and determination to win the battle against pollution and the battle against pollution.

At the same time, we are keenly aware of the multiple difficulties and challenges in the battle against pollution, especially in winning the battle to protect our blue skies. The foundation for continued improvement of the ecological environment is not yet solid. Next, we will unswervingly carry out jinping ecological civilization thought, determined the full implementation of the national ecological environment protection convention spirit, determined to play good pollution control to be completed, unswervingly push on the modernization of the ecological environment management system and management ability, determined to build ecological environment protection tiejun, stand your ground, consolidate the achievements, never relax relax, more not go "back", always keep the strategy to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization concentration, focus on winning the sky battle trademark battle, such as further work and investment, to the ecological environment quality to improve the actual effect of the public.

At the same time, we will fully absorb and use the results of the home activity, earnestly implement the xi he xin han zheng, and deputy prime minister, chairman of the keynote speeches, strengthen environmental pollution control experience sharing, with the international community to work together to meet the environmental pollution, climate change and biodiversity decrease grave challenges, discuss sharing green "area", adhere to the path of green development, build the base of ecological civilization, the full implementation of agenda in 2030, to build a beautiful world, build human destiny community make a positive contribution.

Finally, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to UNEP for its support and to Zhejiang province and hangzhou city for their efforts in organizing this event. I wish you all the best during your stay in China.

Thank you!