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Field test of dust and Bioaerosol in north China in 2016

Characterization of Atmospheric bioaerosols Along the transport Pathway of Asian dust during the dust-Bioaerosol 2016 was published by a research team of Bioaerosol from School of Atmospheric Science, Lanzhou University, in the international first-class journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP) Important research results of "Campaign". This is the first time for our school to publish the research results of atmospheric bioaerosol.

About 1 to 3 billion tons of dust enters the atmosphere every year, about half of the total tropospheric aerosols. About 800 million tons of dust enter the atmosphere in Asia every year, mainly from sources such as the Taklamakan desert and the Gobi Desert. Foreign scholars study found that dust can also carry a large number of microorganisms, these across the continent and ocean of dust event to input a large number of microorganisms and the pollen in the atmosphere, and biological distribution range has expanded through the long distance transmission, thus on the downstream of the atmospheric environment, public health, ecological system, as well as the important influence climate. However, there are few studies on the source, transport, transformation and its influence of sand-bioaerosol.