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Professor Wang Huijun, professor of Earth Science, Lanzhou University

At the invitation of the Key Laboratory of Semi-Arid Climate Change of The Ministry of Education and the Collaborative Innovation Center jointly built by the Ministry of Western Ecological Security, Academician Wang Huijun of Nanjing University of Information Technology will be a guest speaker of the "Earth Science Forum" and give an academic report at Lanzhou University.

Speaker: Academician wang Huijun

Title: Several issues of interdecadal climate change

Venue: 2009 Lecture Hall, Guanyun Building, West District, Chengguan Campus, Lanzhou University

Time: 14:30-16:00 on November 26, 2020

About the speaker:

Wang Huijun, professor of Nanjing University of Information Technology, Director of academic Committee, Doctoral supervisor, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician of Norwegian Academy of Technical Sciences, Honorary Professor of University of Bergen, Norway. Mainly engaged in climate simulation and climate change, monsoon climate variation and prediction research. He was director and researcher of Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Currently, he is President of Chinese Meteorological Society, chairman of WCRP Chinese Committee, member of Norwegian Polar Research Institute, and vice President of Chinese Scientific Exploration Society. Deputy editor of Science Bulletin, editor of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, editor of Atmospheric Science Journal, editor of Meteorological Journal, editor of Atmospheric Science journal; Honorary Professor, University of Bergen, Norway; Visiting professor of Ocean University of China, Lanzhou University, Yunnan University, Sun Yat-sen University, etc. He is the winner of the Outstanding Youth Foundation of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the national candidate of the National Millions of Talents Project, the chief scientist of the National 973 Project, and the project leader of the Basic Science Center of the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2020. He Has won the Meteorology Award of The He Liang He Li Science and Technology Progress Award, the second prize of the State Natural Science Award twice (the first and the second person respectively), the first prize of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Natural Science Award, the 2010 Lu Jiaxi Outstanding Graduate Tutor Award (10 nationwide), the National Outstanding Scientific and technological Worker and other honors. Former Editor of Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Member of AAMP, Asian-Australian Monsoon Working Group on the International Climate Change and Predictability Research Programme (CLIVAR), and Member of EAMP, East Asian Monsoon Working Group, Tropical Meteorological Committee, WORLD Meteorological Organization. In 2003, he and professor Ola Johannessen, a famous Norwegian scientist, founded the Zhu Kezhen - Nansen International Research Center.

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Key Laboratory of Semi-arid Climate Change, Ministry of Education, 

Western Ecological Security Province and Ministry Co-construction Collaborative Innovation Center

November 23, 2020