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Policy Consultation

Suggestions on flood disaster prevention and control in Gansu Province

Gansu is located in the intersection of loess Plateau, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Mengxin Plateau. It is also located in the upper reaches of big rivers and great rivers, with complex topography and diverse landforms. Since ancient times, floods and waterlogging disasters have been frequent. In recent years, under the background of global warming, the increase of summer precipitation and heavy precipitation has led to the frequent occurrence of major floods and massive floods in Gansu Province. The affected area of farmland has increased, the frequency of which has increased, and the direct economic losses have increased significantly. In response to the above problems, Huang Jianping, as a member of the 11th CPPCC Provincial Committee, put forward Suggestions on flood Disaster Prevention and Control in Gansu Province at the 2nd meeting of the 11th CPPCC Provincial Committee.

In January 2015, it was rated as excellent proposal by Gansu Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.